Monday, August 8, 2011

180 things......

I almost have six months clean and sober :)
I found myself thinking, I have six months and nothing has changed. Someone said to me maybe a lot of things have changed and you just aren't thinking about them. So I decided to make a list. Here are all the things I am grateful for. 180 to be exact. One for each day I will have been clean and sober,
1- My sobriety
2-My family
3- My friends
4- Toilet paper
5- Meetings
6-My sponsor
10-The basic text
11-The big Book
12- The fact that I get "just for today" emailed to me daily
13- Ascend Recovery
12- All the counselors and support from ascend
13-Having a car
14- Having a job
15- Razors. Because I don't like it when my armpits are hairy.
16-Brownies, chocolate chip cookies and cake.
17-The clothes in my closet. Sometimes I think I have nothing to wear. I have plenty.
18-My parents ability to afford braces for me.
19-My right to free speech.
20-Shoes. Like the clothes, I have plenty.
21 Myhome.
22-Life. How cool is that I'm actually here, in this world, living?
23-Love. It's completely magical and amazing, isn't it?
24-Words. They are literally my life line. I would not be me without them.
25-Choice. I love that every day I can choose to be happy. Fabulous!
26-Music. It's one of those things I literally cannot live without.
28-Magic. Just read a quote saying magic is in everything. So true!
29-Seasons. Spring, summer, winter, fall -- love 'em all!
30-Stars. As The Killers sing: "Stars are like rebel diamonds cut out of the sun." How beautiful!
31-Acceptance. I'm so thankful to those who accept me for who I am.
32-Rainbows. I've seen more of them this year than in my entire life combined. Amazing!
33-Blogs. I love writing mine and I love all the blogs I read on a regular basis.
34-Laughter. There is little better in the world than the laugh-so-hard-you-cry feeling.
35-Holidays. There's something incredibly exciting about them
36-Sunshine. I don't see too much of it today, but I love, love, love when the sun's shining.
37-Books. There's never a time when I'm not thankful for the words of another.
38-Organization. It might seem boring to some, but I'm really glad I'm organized.
39-Generosity. One of those things that's just as great to give as it is to get.
40-Encouragement. So many people have supported me in my life and I'm so lucky to have them.
41-Accountability. I'm so glad I've finally realized that I'm accountable for myself and my life.
42-Smiles. I love giving them and getting them. As Buddy the Elf says, "Smiling's my favorite!"
43-Change. It scares the shit out of me sometimes, but it can be a wonderful thing.
44-Fun. Who doesn't love a little bit (or a lot!) of fun in their lives?
45-sober living- Papilion has saved my life!
46-Comfort. Comfort food, comfy sweatpants, a comfortable relationship...comfort rocks!
47-Hope. Sometimes it's hard to find, but it's always there, waiting to lift me up.
48-Handwriting. It's so cool how we're all so different.
49-Glitter. C'mon now, you know glitter is just about the awesomest thing ever.
50-Photographs. There is nothing quite like a brilliant image to capture a moment.
51-Wonderlands. I particularly love Alice in Wonderland, but a winter wonderland is pretty great too.
51-Honesty. It really is the best policy.
52-Surprises. As long as they're good, I lovvvvvve them.
53-August. Best month ever, hands down.
54-Passion. One of the best things: seeing someone passionate about what they do or who they love.
55-Palm trees. 
56-Dreams. Both the daytime or nighttime variety are pretty cool.
57-Films. A movie that leaves you feeling moved -- priceless!
58-Positivity. Look for the good in everything and you will find it.
59-Knowledge. Gaining and possessing knowledge is one of my favorite things. Ever.
60-Quality Time. When you get to spend really quality time with someone, it's sooo fantastic.
61-Animals. How alike and different we are from them! Fascinating!
62-Kindness. Even the smallest act or word can change a day around...
63-Sleep. There's nothing like a soft pillow and a warm blanket after a long, hard day.
64-Dancing. I can't say I'm very good at it, but I love to do it!
65-Safe Landings. Gotta love those after a turbulence-filled flight!
66-Food. It's a major part of life, but I often forget to be thankful for it.
67-Challenges. They may suck at the time, but they always make me a better person. 
68-Imagination. I don't know where (or who!) I would be without it...
69-Compliments. Yeah, you know you're thankful for 'em too.
70-Facebook. It's awesome connecting with people on there and a great resource for new info.
71-Growing Up. Man, it was tough being in high school... and college...
72-Freedom. Another thing I often take for granted, but am SO lucky to have.
73-Plans. I love knowing that fun things are coming up. Putting plans in place is great!
74-Therapy. Seriously, it has changed my life in so many amazing ways.
75-Driving. The car, the road, the music... awesome. 
76-Inspiration. There's nothing quite like coming across something that inspires you.
77-Peace. I'm not always at peace with myself and the world, but I'm working on it.
78-Productivity. It feels so great to be getting stuff done.
79-Emotions. Sometimes it's scary to feel things deeply, but it's also very wonderful.
80-Creativity. It's such a great feeling to make something and know it came from your heart.
81-Good News. We all know there's a lot of bad news out there, so it's great to hear the good stuff.
82-Clothes. Even though I'm a grown-up, I still love playing dress up.
83-Apologies. It feels great to hear them and even better to say them.
84-Forgiveness. This is also pretty great if you're in the wrong...
85-Weekends. Ahh, to be work-free for a few days. Love it!
86-Tattoos :)
87-Now. It's awesome to live in the moment. The only time we have is NOW!
88-Respect. One of the best things we can do is respect others -- and ourselves.
89-Bathing Suits. Considering I have about 32 of them, I'd say I'm pretty grateful for 'em (and summer days!)
90-Joy. It's something that is all around us -- we just have to look for it.
91-New Places. They can be scary sometimes, but the excitement is part of the fun!
92-Kisses. There are all sorts of kisses, but all of them are so awesome.
93-Memories. I don't like to dwell too much on the past, but it's awesome to look back sometimes.
94-Excitement. I've had a fair amount of it in my life lately and I love it!
95-Coziness. It feels so good to cuddle up and be cozy with a great book (or person!).
96-Thoughts. I have a lot of them (a lot, a lot!) and I'm thankful for every single one.
97-Internet. Oh, what in the world would I do without you, World Wide Web??
98-Compassion. It feels wonderful to be compassionate to others.
99-Journals. All of those blank, beautiful pages!! I cannot get enough of them! .
100-Water. Another one of those things I tend to take for granted, but it's super important.
101-Energy. I seem to have a lot of it these days! Yippee!
102-Questions. When I question things and when others question me, I learn. Love that! 
103-Time. I've already spent a pretty good amount of time being me, and I'm thankful for that.
104-Hugs. A good hug can brighten any day.
105-Earth. This place is pretty cool, if you ask me. Thanks for letting me live here, Earth!
106-Safety. More often than not, I feel very safe and I'm so lucky to have that privilege.
107-Strength. I'm not that physically strong, but I have a lot of internal strength that I need to be thankful for.
108-Independence. It's great to be free, but it's also important to be independent.
109-Gifts. I adore buying gifts for others (and don't mind receiving them myself! ha!).
110-Enthusiasm. Life's too short to sit around being bored so get into it! 
111-Gratitude. Without it, I don't think I would be nearly as happy as I am right now.
112- My snuggie(s)
113- My grandparents
114- Teachers
115- Kenner and Olivia
117- Chinese Food
118- My ability to write
119-My ability to see
120-My ability to smell
121-My ability to feel
122-My ability to taste
123-My ability to learn
124-My ability to remember
125- Beaches
126- Paper
128- No love just Pancakes
129- Pizza
131-Sober support
132- Boats
133- Meditation
135- Light
136- The sunrise
137- The moon
138- Rain
141- Snow
142- The ocean
144-Coke (a cola)
145- Laughing
146- Quotes
147- Showers
152-Kenny Chesney
153-Rascal Flatts
154- Scrapbooking
155- Very sexy dare perfume
156-my saucony shoes
157-Water bottles
158-Getting my hair done
159- McDonald's Milkshakes
160- Cell Phones
161- true love
163-Having a job
165- Music, playing 24/7
166- Long drives
167- Going up the canyon
168- Going to the beach
169- Singing/dancing in the rain
170- Kissing in the rain
171- Getting mud on the tires
172- kbull93
173- french kissing life
174- four wheeling
175- late nights
176- a good nights rest
177- waking up and realizing you can go back to sleep
178- eating a pack of fruit snacks, thinking they are gone, then realizing you have one left.
179-. Today-Today is all I have.
180-YOU. Thank you, thank you, thank you for reading and support this blog. You. Are. Awesome.

1 comment:

  1. Wow! 180 is a huuuuge list, now reading everything you are grateful for, I have a lot to put on my own personal list. Thank you for the reminder. You truly don't take things for-granted.
